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                                  Tuesday 4 August 2023 (15th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 14:00 - Multidimensional Single Cell Approaches to Define Intestinal Immunoregulatory Circuits
                                    This seminar will be held as a webinar. Please email for the link to the event.
                                    Professor Alison Simmons (University of Oxford)
                                    MRC HIU Wednesday Seminar Series

                                  Wednesday 5 August 2023 (15th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 11:00 - Energy access versus reliability: opportunities and challenges in Sierra Leone
                                    手机vpn加速软件 (University of Oxford), John Rhys (University of Oxford), Kelcise Vidal Sesay (Sierra Leone Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission)
                                  • 15:00 - Wellcome Research Culture Café: mental health, bullying and harassment, and EDI issues
                                    To sign up for the Cafes or if you have any questions, please email Anjali:
                                    Anjali Shah (NDORMS, University of Oxford)

                                  商务部业务系统统一平台:通知 尊敬的用户,欢迎您使用商务部业务系统统一平台,展览业信息管理已纳入统一平台,请您使用原有账号通过伍下登录地址办理相关业务。 本应用管理端已部署在外经贸专网运行,请在专网环境或使用VPN拨号进行访问!

                                  • 14:30 - Bodleian iSkills for the Medical Sciences Division and OUH staff: Introduction to Endnote
                                    手机vnp的服务器怎么填 (Bodleian Health Care Libraries, University of Oxford)
                                    Bodleian iSkills for the Medical Sciences Division and OUH staff - workshops in information discovery and reference management for the Medical Sciences

                                  Friday 7 August 2023 (15th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 10:00 - Bodleian iSkills for the Medical Sciences Division and OUH staff: Introduction to Mendeley
                                    Carolyn Smith (Bodleian Health Care Libraries, University of Oxford)
                                    Bodleian iSkills for the Medical Sciences Division and OUH staff - workshops in information discovery and reference management for the Medical Sciences

                                  Wednesday 12 August 2023 (16th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 12:30 - 微信“闪退” 94万部手机何伍成“肉鸡”-中青在线 - · 线上投放即通过在手机系统内加入带有ROOT功能(帮助手机破解权限——记者注)的加速 软件,当手机用户玩手游的时候,会弹出一个对话提示框:手机运行慢,可伍下载安装加速项。 只要用户安装,嫌疑人就获得ROOT权限,相当于在手机上给对方 ...
                                    Dr Michael Schlussel (CSM, NDORMS, University of Oxford)
                                    UK EQUATOR Workshops and Seminars
                                  • 17:00 - Can We Do Better? Public Health Policymaking in Pandemics
                                    Professor Ashish Jha (Harvard University), 手机怎么挂npv (University of Glasgow)

                                  Thursday 13 August 2023 (16th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 手机怎么挂npv
                                    14:30 - Bodleian iSkills for the Medical Sciences Division and OUH staff: Introduction to Endnote
                                    Carolyn Smith (Bodleian Health Care Libraries, University of Oxford)
                                    Bodleian iSkills for the Medical Sciences Division and OUH staff - workshops in information discovery and reference management for the Medical Sciences

                                  社评:防火墙带给中国互联网哪些影响 - · VPN指的是伋理服务器,也就是网民俗称的“翻墙软件 ”,而它要翻的那个墙就是“防火墙”。防火墙是中国实现互联网管理一整套技术系统的民间叫法,官方在正式场合从不这么叫它。防火墙并非是把中国互联网同境外互联网隔开,而是对境外 ...

                                  • 手机vpn加速软件
                                    09:00 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Theory and Practice
                                    This is a 10-day online course aimed at undergraduate, recent graduate and postgraduate students with teaching delivered Mon-Fri from 17 - 28 August 2023
                                    Dr Naeemullah Khan (Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Department of Engineering, University of Oxford)

                                  Tuesday 18 August 2023 (17th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 14:00 - Viruses, vaccines and (unconventional) T cells
                                    This seminar will be held as a webinar. Please email for the link to the event.
                                    Prof. Paul Klenerman (Peter Medawar Building, NDM, Oxford)
                                    MRC HIU Wednesday Seminar Series

                                  Wednesday 19 August 2023 (17th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 手机怎么挂npv
                                    11:00 - Current challenges of renewable energy: integration in China
                                    José Maria Valenzuela (University of Oxford), Dr Hao Zhang (University of Hong Kong)

                                  Thursday 20 August 2023 (17th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 14:30 - Bodleian iSkills for the Medical Sciences Division and OUH staff: Introduction to Mendeley
                                    Carolyn Smith (Bodleian Health Care Libraries, University of Oxford)
                                    Bodleian iSkills for the Medical Sciences Division and OUH staff - workshops in information discovery and reference management for the Medical Sciences

                                  Friday 21 August 2023 (17th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 11:00 - Remember COVID-19?
                                    This seminar will be held as a webinar. Please email for the link to the event.
                                    Professor David Price (School of Medicine, Cardiff University)
                                    MRC HIU Wednesday Seminar Series

                                  Monday 24 August 2023 (18th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 08:30 - Diseases of the 21st Century
                                    This is a 10-day online course aimed at undergraduate, recent graduate and postgraduate students with teaching delivered Mon-Fri from 24 August - 4 September 2023
                                    Professor David Harris (D. Phil, Emeritus Fellow in Biochemistry, St Anne’s College), Dr Carol Lole-Harris (Chief Medical Advisor, FJRE and Lecturer at St Anne’s College), Dr Benjamin Harris (Oncologist and founder of SmashMedicine educational platform)

                                  Tuesday 25 August 2023 (18th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 10:00 - Bodleian iSkills for the Medical Sciences Division and OUH staff: Introduction to Endnote
                                    Carolyn Smith (Bodleian Health Care Libraries, University of Oxford)
                                    Bodleian iSkills for the Medical Sciences Division and OUH staff - workshops in information discovery and reference management for the Medical Sciences

                                  Tuesday 1 September 2023 (19th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 12:00 - Biotherapeutic Medicines from Botulinum to Neurotoxins
                                    “挖矿”两年,获利1500万 - · “挖矿”两年,获利1500万 通过计算机运算获取数字货币,俗称“挖矿”。犯罪团伙非法控制100多万台电脑“挖矿”,得到数字货币后兑换成人民币,9名嫌疑人伍涉嫌非法控制计算机信息系统罪被批捕
                                    Matthew Beard (Ipsen)
                                    Industry Insights Seminar Series

                                  Wednesday 2 September 2023 (19th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 手机怎么挂npv
                                    11:00 - 手机怎么挂npv
                                    Prof Malcolm McCulloch (Head of the University of Oxford’s Electrical Power Group and Co-Director of The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy), Eric Brown (Energy Systems Catapult)

                                  Thursday 3 September 2023 (19th Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 16:00 - From Conflict Actor to Architect of Peace? The Colombian National Police
                                    Please register in advance for this event. Please arrive to the Zoom room 5 minutes before the event is due to start.
                                    Laura Gutiérrez (University of Cambridge), Markus Hochmüller (University of Oxford)

                                  Wednesday 16 September 2023 (21st Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 手机vnp的服务器怎么填
                                    11:00 - Energy efficiency in a post-lockdown world: Earthshot not Moonshot
                                    Professor Nick Eyre (Environmental Change Institute), Paul Massara (Member of the Government’s Committee on Fuel Poverty), Andrew Wright (University of Durham)

                                  Friday 18 September 2023 (21st Week, Trinity Term)

                                  • 13:30 - Global Surgery, Anaesthesia and Obstetrics Webinar
                                    Various Speakers
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